Gonorrhea home test
- Gonorrhea antigen test in which the presence of gonorrhea bacteria is tested
- Quality control with ISO certification
- Very easy to use
- Accurate result in 10 minutes
- Discreet and fast shipping
The gonorrhea self-test detects gonorrhea bacteria in both men and women.
Reliable result with a high clinical accuracy of> 99%
Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium called “Neisseria gonorrhoeae”. It is usually passed on during sex (oral, anal and vaginal intercourse).
Risk factors that increase the likelihood of gonorrhea infection:
- A new sexual partner
- Several sex partners
- A sexual partner who has several partners
- A previous gonorrhea infection
- Other sexually transmitted diseases have
The test delivers an accurate result within 10 minutes. A discreet packaging is guaranteed.