What is the “Window period”? – When is HIV detectable in the blood with the INSTI self-test?
After exposure to the HIV virus, it can take 3 to 12 weeks (21-84 days) before the body of an infected person produces enough antibodies to be screened for an HIV self-test. This is called a window period. IgM is usually released about 3 weeks after infection. This is one of the antibodies that the INSTI HIV self-test must detect. An individual can be positively tested with the INSTI HIV test after 21-22 days after infection, but it can take up to 3 months for a positive result to be achieved. Approximately 97% of people will develop detectable antibodies during this period. A negative result may not be accurate until 3 months after infection. If someone is exposed to HIV and receives a negative test result during the period of the window, they must test again 3 months after possible HIV exposure.